Tom and Jerry

The lettering was a Mutt and Jeff-like pair, one small (Jerry) and one tall (Tom). Every one cartoon featured a dissimilar adventure and the plot varied from film to film. Now and then they were lawyers, hunters, plumbers, hobos, etc. Stylistically, the cartoons were comparable to those complete by Fleischer Studios, which like Van Beuren Studios was located in New York City. According to Markstein's Toonopedia, Fleischer staff sometimes moonlighted at Van Beuren's, which was positioned just across the road (accounting for the many visual similarities flanked by the two). Tom and Jerry's adventures were generally absurdist comedies, featuring bizarre imagery, racist themes, and extra than a a small number of (minor) sexual references. One 1932 short (Piano Tooners) introduced a "flapper" character clearly derived from Fleischer's Betty Boop, further representative the stylistic relationship flanked by the two studios. Tom and Jerry, however, did not obtain attractiveness of the type Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop, and Bosko had, and the sequence was cancelled in 1933.

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